Monday, April 30, 2007

Did You Feel A Draft?

Did you feel a draft? No, not the NFL Draft, but that brisk breeze that just whisked by. I think it was caused by Randy Moss. He is still one the NFL’s speediest; he was told he would be a Patriot and ran a post from Oakland to Foxboro before his agent hung up the phone.

It seems that the Patriots consistently do what they feel it takes to get their team where it needs to be. They have an agenda and a goal and they stick with it. Other franchises cannot boast the same commitment.

Oakland has a higher employee turnover rate than McDonald’s and with less customer satisfaction. The players and coaches are consistently not happy and there is a basic lack of morale. Robert Gallery never lived up to the plug-n-play hype; Art Shell was a bust the second time around; Moss was disgruntled; and Al Davis sits perched atop his throne with his violin whilst Rome burns around him, JaMarcus Russell notwithstanding.

Another team that had such promise and a long window of opportunity was the Kansas City Chiefs. Herm Edwards has that personality trait that husbands usually have—they “yes” the wife to death, and do what they want anyway. He swore up and down he wasn’t leaving the Jets, but when the money was thrown at him, he left New York’s screen door swinging in the summer air when he booked to Missouri. Now, he seems to be cleaning house. Get rid of Trent Green, shop Larry Johnson, let the offensive line retire, lose Dante Hall, but don’t worry, “Cuz, we gonna win!” We will be feeling the Mr. Gonzalez breeze shortly, I’m sure.

Lance Briggs wanted to make his own draft in the chill of Chicago, but the door got slammed in his face before he was able to muster up enough steam. Once his agent unlocks that door, you will think Hurricane Katrina hit Illinois.

The jury is still out if the draft is a good or a bad thing. I guess we’ll just have to ask Jeff Gordon.

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